Master Essential Skills & Topics for Retail and CPG

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Excel Basics - The Foundations for Great Analysis

*Training Topics, Format, or Audience: Organization & Team Solutions Virtual Learning Data + Analytics
Get ready to master Excel in a fun and engaging way! As a business professional, having a strong foundation in Excel is crucial for effective and efficient data analysis. But who wants to sit through a boring course on calculating mortgages and other functions you'll never use? Our virtual classroom training dives straight into the essentials you need to excel in Excel. In this session, you'll gain confidence in navigating spreadsheets, writing basic formulas like SUM, COUNT, RANK, UNIQUE, IFERROR, and conditional formulas, formatting cells, understanding absolute and relative ranges, and creating charts and PivotTables. We use real-world examples from the retail and CPG sectors to teach best practices in analyzing and calculating key measures in your data. This fast-paced session is packed with hands-on workshops to ensure you get practical experience. Plus, we can customize the focus areas based on your organization's unique needs, using your own data and examples for maximum relevance. Join us and transform your Excel skills—sign up now for a session that participants have rated between 4.5 and 5.0! SESSION DETAILS: Optimum class size: 10-15 participants (maximum 25) Length of session: 120-150 minutes Cost: Starts at $3,000 USD (includes development, customization, delivery, student notes, hands-on workshops). Multiple sessions of the same topic are at a reduced price. Core Competency: DATA AND ANALYTICS This session can be combined with other training topics to create a virtual training series over days, weeks or months.

Transforming Your Presentation: Elevating Slides with Advanced Data Visualization

Overview: In today's dynamic world of retail and consumer packaged goods (CPG), refining skills to navigate a data-driven landscape is paramount. This course focuses on the effective communication of data insights, addressing the challenge of information getting lost in the complexity of numbers and statistics. Participants will explore data visualization strategies for both data and non-data contexts, empowering them to discern trends, outliers, and patterns.

Foundations of Category Management: The Basics

Overview: Category management is a strategic imperative across diverse sectors, including retail, CPG, c-store, DIY, industrial, and professional services. Essential for retailers, suppliers, and solution providers, this course provides a foundational understanding of category management principles, processes and strategies.

Revitalizing Category Management: Adapting to Shopper Needs, Technology, Data, and Omni-Channel Evolution

Overview: In the last decade, category management has evolved significantly due to complex data, advancing technologies, changing shopper expectations, and the rise of the omni-channel. To remain effective in retail and CPG, it's crucial to adopt a more dynamic and adaptive approach. This includes integrating insights from diverse channels, prioritizing the preferences of the modern shopper, and leveraging innovative technologies. Navigating these changes requires a strategic upgrade, acknowledging new challenges and embracing cutting-edge strategies to stay relevant and agile in the dynamic retail landscape.

Data to Insights: The Basics

*Training Topics, Format, or Audience: Organization & Team Solutions Virtual Learning Data + Analytics
This virtual training session gives participants a strong foundation of the considerations when using data, including a review of the unique data sources available to their organization, how they are derived, and how and when they should be used. Following the data overview, we will review the key measures from each data source, practice the calculations, and learn how to drill through data (geography, time period, product, measures) for improved business understanding. Finally, we will discuss ways to draw relevant insights by looking across multiple data sources. This virtual classroom training will give your team a hands-on learning that includes workshops using your data and examples for incredibly powerful learnings that consider all the nuances of the data that is most relevant for your business. The session is relevant for retailers, suppliers and 3rd party solution providers who want to get more proficient at drawing actionable insights from their data. SESSION DETAILS: Optimum class size: 10-15 participants (maximum 25 participants) Length of session: 120 minutes Cost: Starts at $3,000 USD (includes development, customization, delivery, student notes, hands-on workshops). Multiple sessions of the same topic are at a reduced price. Core Competency: DATA TO INSIGHTS This session can be combined with other training topics to create a virtual training series over days, weeks or months.

Turning Data into Insights for Enhanced Decision-Making and Better Stories


Developing Great Stories for Engaging Presentations

Overview: While data analysis and insights are paramount, crafting an equally impactful presentation often takes a backseat. This virtual classroom training addresses this gap, guiding learners in developing sleeker and more compelling presentations. Participants will gain insights into enhancing storytelling, translating ideas into visuals, and boosting audience engagement for increased success in getting their ideas accepted.

Strategic Storyboarding: Crafting Compelling Business Narratives

*Training Topics, Format, or Audience: Organization & Team Solutions Virtual Learning Presentation Skills
Overview: Storyboarding a business presentation before delving into PowerPoint slides is a critical step in crafting an impactful story. It ensures a strategic and purposeful approach, guiding presenters to define the presentation's goals, consider the audience's perspective, and identify key insights and opportunities. By mapping out the storyline in a storyboard, presenters gain a clear roadmap, allowing for a more seamless and engaging flow in the final presentation. This process not only enhances the structure of the content but also fosters a deeper understanding of the message, resulting in a more impactful and persuasive delivery.