Best in Class Category Reviews Parts 1 and 2


Category reviews are an essential part of category management. Too often the day-to-day management of a set of categories focuses on tactical moves only but doesn’t consider the overall strategic direction. By “diving in” to a category at least once, through a category review, learners can ensure the achievement of their long-term goals and ensure they are maximizing consumer appeal. In the first instalment of this series, we go over some of the key components of the category review and gets participants’ perspective on improving the process, increasing automation, and what a “best in class” category review would look like. In the second part, we delve further into category review templates (including layouts and key measures) and integrate the learning into some preliminary outlines for future "Category Reviews" that may help participants to improve the ones they develop.


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Learning Objectives

Gain a comprehensive understanding of how to conduct an effective, "best-in-class" category review.
Learn how to integrate category review components into preliminary outlines and templates to help you improve your future category reviews.

Your 12-month premium membership grants you access to ALL of the great resources, training, and webinars in our online training center, including:

  • Comprehensive Category Management Glossary with 1,300+ terms, examples, and tools
  • Resource Library with industry whitepapers and additional resources (regularly updated)
  • E-Commerce Resource
  • Hand-picked Industry News
  • Accredited Training Full Course, “Category Management Overview,” including course resources to enhance learning and retention.
  • 6 Skill-Building Live Webinars, approx. 60 minutes each, including topics such as:
    CatMan 2.0™ Introduction: What’s Changed?
    Rocking Your Presentations in PowerPoint: Part 1
    The Power of Shopper Insights: Why it’s important and what to do about it.
    Rocking Your PowerPoint, Part 2
    Developing Data Visualization Skills for Better Storytelling
  • 20+ Skill-Building Webinar Recordings from past live webinars, including these topics:
    Improving Your Business Acumen in Category Management
    Ways to Identify Growth Opportunities In Your Business
    Rocking Your Presentations in PowerPoint
    Category Management in eCommerce
    Moving to more strategic, fact-based presentations
    What happened in 2018 and where are we headed in 2019?

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  1. Category Management Levels 1–3 
  2. Category Management Level 4
  3. Sales
  4. Space Management
  5. Shopper Insights

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