
How does Catman 2.0 affect how we compete as an organization?

Understand CatMan 2.0 with the help of the category management experts at CMKG.

The category management process has changed to reflect more complex and granular data, increasingly complicated technologies, sophisticated Shoppers, and an evolving retail Omni-Channel.

Find out how changes will affect you!

Your Shopper’s happiness depends on your readiness to adopt a more advanced approach.

As a leader in the Category Management training industry, we see the possibilities in the pages of the CMA’s whitepaper.

We also hear confusion and uncertainty from Retailers, Manufacturers and Solution Providers.

That’s why we created our Master’s Training — and why we want to share the first course with you, "Introduction to CatMan 2.0: What’s Changed?"

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Request our 60-minute Category Management Master’s Course recording.